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Project management
Business closures

Effective support for bringing businesses, projects & initiatives back on track

Bringing in an experienced outsider for help makes sense, even when the business is doing well. The expertise will add a different dimension, and along with it, a detached, objective view.

Unlike those ingrained in the company, the outsider doesn’t have a vested interest in the status quo, but solely a successful outcome for the business. But that’s very often where the problem lies; major change in things as they are (a) means a degree of risk and turmoil, which always accompanies change (b) implies criticism of the management. Objections on either count are purely emotional. That may make them stronger, but it doesn’t make them right, and this needs to be confronted.

A good trouble-shooter will not only discover those problems that the management may know about, but the other, hidden ones which may lie at the heart of the real issues. Consequently, the resultant remedial actions will also go beyond the immediate problem area, and may involve radical change to the business, which may be too painful for the current management to contemplate.

Using an outsider to implement change takes away the main issues of it being developed by existing management; that of upheaval & criticism.

That’s where trouble-shooters earn their reward and should earn the target’s respect. Using their wide experience, they can spot the blockages that occur in all businesses and strategies, suggest possible alternatives, and expose the emotional baggage that has prevented earlier remedy.

The bigger the blockage, the greater the temptation to seek comfort in denial, and to shoot the trouble-shooter for bearing the bad news. But every business needs a Cassandra, the fearless critic who challenges existing policies and actions – and it’s rarely easy for these to function inside the firm.

Firms which want their troubles sorted out, usually only seek help when the wolf is already baying at the door. The message is clear; get your troubleshooting in early, and there shouldn’t be any trouble to shoot.

If you are you considering a major business development; developing a new business strategy, negotiating an international relationship or trying to integrate a recently made acquisition? You may want to stand back and consider some external advice on your plans, or bring in an extra resource to implement your plans.

How do we make it work?

  • One or two day quick evaluation to scope the main issues with outline action plan
  • Onsite, hands on approach.
  • Working with existing management team, to develop a practical plan.
  • No predetermined template, all businesses or projects analysed from scratch.
  • In addition, seasoned specialised executives with proven track records can be supplied, such as; Marketing, Finance, HR, Coaching etc.