
Business integration Strategy development

Costa Concordia

The raising of the Costa Concordia has to rank as one of the most impressive feats of non-standard engineering ever accomplished. To take an unknown situation, devise a plan to account for any eventualities, and then successfully carry out the plan to achieve a result few would have bet on, must have taken an incredible amount of planning, teamwork & shear ingenuity not seen too often.

Costa Concordia salvage operation: as it happened

Even the London Mayor, Boris Johnson is using it to point to  seminal moment in time, when the bad times end, and through good project management, turn the situation round and start moving towards better times.

Boris Johnson: Britain’s economy has had its ‘Costa Concordia’ moment

Anybody able to point to similar sorts of achievements?  To view the current discussion and add comments of your own, just click on Costa Concordia above.

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