
Business integration Strategy development

100 Days To stay in or get out? How many businesses have contingency plans in place?

Not just one vote, but two, Scotland remaining part of the UK, and the UK (what maybe left of it) remaining part of Europe.


With ex-Eastern bloc countries heading for inclusion in Europe, the UK is looking to split itself apart & away from the continent.


Not wishing to get embroiled in the rights and wrongs of either argument, how many businesses have considered the implication of either vote going the way of the separatists?  How will it affect your business; do you have employees North of Hadrian’s Wall, could you cope with dual taxation systems, both for employees & trade, would you want to be bothered?


Whilst the details of either verdict will need to be thrashed out, who knows how it will pan out as we are in uncharted territory here.  But, if the senior management of businesses are doing their job, they should at least consider the possible consequences, and have some sort of contingency plans in place, rather than leaving it as a panic measure if either or both votes go the way of separation.

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